This is a work in progress, but has the fundamentals of what you should do. Apologies for the jargon that’s included, I would recommend sharing this with the person who is assisting you with the wiping of devices in an effort to get further clarity on the process.
There are few things that infuriate me more than abusive partners who install spyware on their spouse/partners mobile or computer. Sometimes even after the victim of this abuse has left the relationship, the abuser is still keeping track of them and causing harm, and significant emotional distress. I’ve helped a few people out with this and thought I should document the advice to try and help others. @evacide on twitter may be able to provide guidance if you are a woman affected by cyberstalking.
1.Buy new mobile phone, obtain a new number.
2Create a new iTunes/Samsung Cloud account tied to the new email address for your new phone.
3 On this new device, create a new email account. Do not logon to this email account from any other device you have previously used until they have been wiped and reinstalled (This is a critical step to avoid compromise).
4Ensure the mobile phone is pin protected, and has at least 6 digit pin. Do not use repetitive numbers, or PINS previously used.
5 Create a new lastpass account, enable Multifactor Authentication with G-Authenticator. Ensure answers to secret questions are not obvious. They should not really answer the question being asked, however they will need to be noted down and locked in a safe.
6 Do not dispose of mail into a bin. Ensure all mail is shredded in a criss-cross shredder.
7 Put your old mobile phone into flight mode, do not re-enable until advised.
8 Disconnect laptop/personal computer from internet. Switch off wifi router/4G Modem etc.
9 Backup,wipe and reinstall Windows/OSX on your laptop. Do not backup old installation files for software, you must download these fresh from the manufacturers website. Do not install software previously provided on a USB device. Obtain new copies of all installers.
10 Backup your old mobile phone, creating a backup file and backing up photos and contacts separately (to allow for easy access).
11 Wipe old mobile phone.
12 Reset email,social media passwords,Apple/Samsung cloud accounts,Netflix,Stan,Amazon, (any and all shopping),Bank etc.
13 Enable Multifactor authentication on everything, tied to G-Authenticator, or SMS if required. Ensure backup codes are printed in-case you lose your phone
14 Update all accounts above in step to use the new email address